DUI & criminal defense blog

Posted by Mike Donaldson | Sep 27, 2021

Attorney Lara Gressley Quoted In Oc Register Re: Dui Diversion Penal Code 1001.95

Attorney Lara Gressley Quoted in OC Register Regarding DUIs and Diversion under Penal Code section 1001.95

Posted by Mike Donaldson | Jul 06, 2021

California Supreme Court Asks For Briefing On Dui Diversion Under Penal Code Section 1001.95

California Supreme Court orders briefing on DUI Diversion under Penal Code section 1001.95.

Posted by Mike Donaldson | Jun 14, 2021

Riverside County Superior Court Appellate Division Continues Argument On Dui Diversion Case

On June 11, 2021, our firm was scheduled to argue one of many cases regarding whether DUIs are eligible for diversion under the new judicial diversion law Penal Code section 1001.95. The case was set for argument in the Riverside County Superior Court, Appellate Division. The Appellate Division handles appeals and writs in misdemeanor cases. […]

Posted by Lara Gressley | Mar 03, 2021

AB 1950’s probationary term limitations apply retroactively to cases not yet final

AB 1950’s amendments to Penal Code sections 1203a and 1203.1 also apply to cases still on appeal.

Posted by Mike Donaldson | Feb 27, 2021

Are DUIs Eligible For Diversion? Penal Code Section 1001.95

In 2020, California introduced a new law called Penal Code section 1001.95, which allows people who commit certain misdemeanors to enter a special program instead of getting a criminal record. This program helps them avoid a conviction by completing some kind of rehabilitation. Surprisingly, this law also includes DUIs (Driving Under the Influence), which means […]

Posted by Lara Gressley | Nov 04, 2020

The court abused its discretion in denying military diversion in a DUI case

In Wade v. Superior Court (2019) 33 Cal.App.5th 694, the Court of Appeal reversed a trial court decision that denied a defendant’s request for military diversion in a DUI case. In denying the request, the trial court had noted that the charge of driving under the influence was “inherently dangerous.” Id. at 704. The trial […]

Posted by Lara Gressley | Sep 03, 2020

Challenging a search warrant

A search conducted by a warrant can be challenged under the Fourth Amendment.

Posted by Lara Gressley | Aug 26, 2020

Covid-19 and speedy preliminary hearing rights

The Court of Appeal found the trial court abused its discretion in continuing a preliminary hearing due to the pandemic over the defendant’s objection.

Posted by Lara Gressley | Aug 19, 2020

Surrogate witness drug testimony violated the Sixth Amendment

The testimony of a laboratory supervisor who had no involvement with the drug analysis, and the admission of the non-testifying analyst’s report, violated the Confrontation Clause.

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