about our criminal defense and DUI defense firm

finding the right firm

Searching for the right criminal defense or DUI defense lawyer is an important process. Making this task even more difficult, the internet is filled with various information and endorsements. It’s often hard to know what information to trust.

That’s why Gressley & Donaldson not only stands by everything posted on this website, Gressley & Donaldson encourages you to ask other lawyers about the firm. In fact, if other lawyers have questions, they call Gressley & Donaldson for the answers. Other attorneys
will tell you that there is no firm more knowledgeable about the
law, and no firm that has obtained more successful outcomes for
its clients.

Please visit the Case Results link so that you can see some of the outcomes that Gressley & Donaldson has obtained for clients just like you. Gressley & Donaldson lawyers won’t settle for anything but the best possible results for you. Gressley & Donaldsonlooks forward to providing you with the best representation the defense bar has
to offer.

The Gressley & Donaldson, LLP Difference

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Lara Gressley

  • Past-President California DUI Lawyers Association
  • Vice President California DUI Lawyers Association
  • Two-time President’s Award recipient for the California DUI Lawyers Association
  • Regent for the National College for DUI Defense
  • Faculty for the National College for DUI Defense
  • Regular Lecturer on DUI Defense & Appeals
  • Admitted to practice in United States Supreme Court
  • Worked on DUI cases in United States Supreme Court, California Supreme Court, United States Court of Appeals
  • Appellate lawyer on significant DUI cases
  • Selected Southern California Super Lawyer 2020-present
  • Contributing Author for Attacking and Defending Drunk Driving Tests

Mike Donaldson

  • California DUI Lawyers Association seminar lecturer
  • DUI defense lecturer
  • DUI Defense Super Lawyer 2020 – 2025
  • National College for DUI Defense trained in science of DUI blood alcohol/drug testing
  • Contributing author to DUI defense practice guides
  • Numerous successful DUI jury trial verdicts and results
  • 100s of DUI suppression motions
  • Admitted to practice in United States Supreme Court
  • Worked on DUI cases in United States Supreme Court, California Supreme Court, Courts of Appeal

Firm Highlights

Case Highlights

  • Our firm has won countless Not Guilty verdicts on DUI cases, including felony DUIs.
  • Our firm has fought and won dismissals on numerous DUI cases.
  • Resolved serious felony DUI matters (including DUI death cases) with little or no jail time.
  • Won a significant number of DMV Hearings, protecting numerous clients’ driving privileges.

appellate Highlights

  • Lara has worked on all of the major DUI appellate cases in California, including:
    • People v. Vangelder
    • People v. Harris
    • People v. Arredondo
    • Espinoza v. Shiomoto
  • Lara has also drafted amicus curiae briefs in the cases of:
    • People v. Dungo in the California Supreme Court.
    • Williams v. Illinois in the United States Supreme Court.
  • Lara routinely handles criminal appeals. Those include appeals after a denial of a 1538.5 motion to suppress, as well as appeals after trial.
  • Lara has won many criminal appeals.

scholarship and teaching

  • Our firm wrote the leading book in the nation on DUI defense, Attacking and Defending Drunk Driving Tests.
  • Lara and Mike regularly lecture other lawyers across California on DUI defense strategies.
  • Lara is a former recipient of the President’s Award from the California DUI Lawyer’s Association, for outstanding criminal defense and appellate work.
  • Lara is the past elected President of the California DUI Lawyers Association.
  • Lara is the elected Vice President of the California DUI Lawyers Association.

What our clients say

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the go-to source for other lawyers

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Lawyers call Gressley & Donaldson when they, or their loved ones, need help. Why go elsewhere, when you can hire the source? That is because they know this firm has the best criminal defense, DUI, and appellate attorneys around. They know they will get quality representation and individual attention from a team of lawyers who have a command of the field.

If you’ve been charged with a crime, you should not settle for anything less than the best representation you can find. At Gressley & Donaldson, that’s exactly what you will get. Just ask any lawyers around.

dUI, criminal defense & appeals case results

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.16%/.17% DUI DMV Hearing Win – First Offense DUI

Our client was contacted by the police after her and her husband pulled their vehicle over due to an argument. A civilian had called 911 to report the wife driving the vehicle poorly. When the police arrived, both the wife and husband denied driving. This means that the only evidence of any driving was a civilian’s hearsay statement, which is not competent evidence at a DMV hearing. The license suspension was set aside, and the client’s license will remain valid.

June 2024

.35% DUI Blood Suppressed at Motion Hearing

Our client was arrested after being located in the passenger seat of a truck on a rural road in the desert. The police arrested her for DUI, and took a sample of her blood. The analysis of her blood revealed a BAC of .35%. Our office filed a motion to suppress evidence, which challenged, among other things, whether her blood was drawn in a medically appropriate manner. After a hearing, the judge ruled the prosecution failed to prove that the blood was drawn in accordance with accepted medical practices, and the client’s BAC cannot be used against her at trial. The case is still pending, and will likely go to trial unless dismissed.

June 2024

DMV Writ of Mandate Win – .12% 2nd Offense for Commercial Driver

Our client (a commercial class A driver) was arrested for a 2nd offense DUI. The DMV suspended his class C and class A after a DMV hearing, which I believed we should have certainly won. Given that we were able to negotiate a reckless driving plea in court and got the DUI charges dismissed, the only thing that suspended the client’s class A was this bad DMV ruling. As a result, I filed a lawsuit against the DMV, challenging the legality of the suspension. Last week, after our first status conference on the writ of mandate, the DMV offered to set aside the suspension against the client’s license, and he will have his class A commercial license back soon.

June 2024

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We understand that being accused of a crime is one of the most challenging times of your life. Rely on us to advocate for your rights and to give you the defense you deserve.

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